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Computers are now a part of everyday life and we are now living in a digital age. In order to prepare our children fully for the future, both in the work place and for society, it is essential that we teach computing effectively. At St Mary's we have invested heavily in recent years in our digital equipment. All of our classrooms have interactive touchscreen boards and visualisers to ensure that computing can be an intrinsic part of all of our lessons. In addition, we have IPads that our pupils can use during computing lessons but also for research, creating and recording their work in all subject areas. We also have a Learning Resource Centre equipped with desk top machines that pupils can use for lessons as well as during breakfast and after school clubs. 

Computing across the curriculum

At St. Mary's we use a range of software to enhance our curriculum including; Espresso, Purple Mash, Timetables Rockstars and Charanga. Teachers plan to use digital technology to enhance the children's learning experiences from Nursery through to Year 6.


Computing has strong links with maths, science and design technology. Through the computing curriculum, pupils are taught how to use a range of systems as well starting to learn to programme devices. We also ensure through our curriculum that pupils become digitally literate. 

Online Safety

Through the computing and PSHCE curriculum, we teach children about how to stay safe online and about the potential dangers in information sharing. The messages and lessons are always age appropriate. We also ensure that parents are kept informed via the school newsletter. Designated safeguarding staff are always available to discuss any concern you may have regarding online activity or any other concerns regarding St Mary's pupils. Please contact the school office and ask to speak with the designated leader for online safeguarding, Miss McLaughlin,  to discuss any concerns. Alternatively, you can report your concerns directly to different agencies using links below.

Lancashire Online Safety - Youth Zone

CEOP  - if you are being bullied online, experiencing negative comments, or have concerns for your safety you can report it

ThinkUKnow - for lots of helpful advice on how you can look out for the online pitfalls and can help you keep on the right track and keep you safe from harm online and offline.

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