School Life and Community Links
Here at St Marys we enjoy working closely with the local community and joining in with celebrations and special events.
Here is some of the art work we created in memory of Her Majesty, Queen Elizabeth II.
Bacup Pride
St Mary's are lucky to have a great friendship with Pat from Bacup Pride. We have helped to litter pick in the community. We have made flowerpot characters. Pat has talked to the children about different kinds of plants and flowers. We are planning to plant some bulbs and seeds to help the bees in Winter.
Here are some pictures of the children working with Bacup Pride.
Road Safety with Foxes Group
Fox's Group came to talk to the children about Road Safety. They even brought along their brand new electric truck!
Nursery and Reception
People who help us
Nursery and Reception
Visit to Bacup Library
Year 6
Lego Day
Year 5 Museum Visit